How to look up a value after multiple criteria

How to look up a value after multiple criteria

Looking up a value in a table using one criteria is simple. You use a simple VLOOKUP formula. Things are much different when you want to use more than one criteria- Multiple criteria. This can be attained in various ways. It includes the use of Excel functions such as LOOKUP, VLOOKUP, INDEX, and MATCH. We

How to return Multiple Values Vertically Using VLOOKUP in excel

VLOOKUP in excel

VLOOKUP function returns a corresponding value of the first instance in a lookup value. The function searches specific values defined and returns the matching value in another column. The VLOOKUP function, just as the name looks up a value in the first column of a specified range of cells and then returns the results on

VLOOKUP Parameters Explained in Detail with Example

VLOOKUP Parameters Explained

VLOOKUP is one of the most useful Excel functions. The function is used to search for specific values defined and returns the match-in value from another column. The VLOOKUP function, just as the name looks up a value in the first column of a specified range of cells and then returns the results on the

Excel Vlookup Multiple Criteria

Excel Vlookup Multiple Criteria

There are various methods of returning a value from a Table array based on more than one criteria. Vlookup is used when there is only one criterion (condition). In this tutorial, we will be discussing the method involving INDEX and MATCH.  Let us consider an example, see the below illustration: The Formula in C2 is: